Oji Life Lab

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With Oji Life Lab, you can elevate employee performance with a breakthrough emotion learning system.


The Oji Life Lab team has changed the way organizations help grow and better their employees. Through workshops, group sessions, interactive activities, and more, people learn to hone their emotional intelligence, improving managerial and interpersonal skills. In addition, users can track their moods, work through complex decisions, and track their progress as they move through the many learning meshes of the Oji labs. We helped the Oji team with user experience, product design, support with their marketing efforts, and strategizing for growth.

What we did
  • Brand research & strategy
  • Brand design
  • Information architecture
  • User experience design
  • Product design
  • Design system
  • Product strategy & growth
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The mood meter enables users to comprehend what influences their mood, its impact on others, and how to adjust behaviors to alter their mood. This component of the product is also available for separate download.

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The Decision Tool is an interactive app using a proven method to help users create better decisions. The design is built around clear organization of information, viewing options together, and taking proactive steps to make the best decision.

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Up next...
