Climate Cabinet


Climate Cabinet analyzes local climate and governance data, uncovering the biggest climate opportunities that lie across thousands of local offices.


They came to us at a crucial time. They had over a decade of success in getting climate champions elected to local offices, affecting real change in states all across the country. They were eager to invest in a brand and web presence to match their ambitions and now global reach. The brand strikes a sense of urgency, and is centered around their climate champions across the nation that are making a difference. The website is actionable and informative, allowing anyone to get involved in their cause.

What we did
  • Research & Strategy
  • Verbal Identity
  • Visual Identity
  • Content Creation
  • Marketing Collateral
  • Information Architecture & UX
  • Website Design
  • Web Development
CC- logo.png

The graphic mark is anchored by a pair of brackets, a metaphor for the common ballot box voting symbol. The middle leaf sits proudly as a beacon of the importance in climate activism in a similar angular and blocky style.

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CC- print.png

Detailed Climate Scorecards per state show which candidates and legislatures are the most effective at passing climate policy. A branded look and feel per state were balanced by data visualization and information-heavy write-ups about each candidate – good or bad.

CC- election box.png

The Climate Cabinet website is active and full of dynamic information. It acts as their main donation hub, and a catalogue of all their endorsed candidates across the country. In addition, it houses their climate scorecards and databases. We crafted a usable and minimal design meant to spark the urgancy that anchors their company mission.

CC- phone.png
CC- candidates.png
CC- news.png

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